HUmineral HUmic Hydration Mineral Total Body/Face Spray

HUmineral’s plant-derived Hydration Skin Spritz contains a whopping 79 humic acid and fulvic acid minerals. This fulvic acid supplement can be sprayed over your entire body to absorb these nutrients naturally through your skin.

How HUmineral Humic Hydration Spritz Will Transform Your Life

  • Healthier, younger-looking skin
  • Improved toning/moisture
  • Detoxification
  • Better tanning/less-severe sunburn
  • Fewer rashes, cold sores, wrinkles, spots and stretch marks
  • Less acne, skin damage and itching

Why We Love HUmineral HUmic Hydration Spritz

  • Contains 79 major and trace organic minerals (eight majors / 71 trace)
  • Neutralizes acidic blood
  • Stops constipation
  • Corrects low blood sugar
  • Lessens anxiety and hyperactivity
  • Increases energy and libido
  • Halts weight gain and stops food cravings.
  • Improves digestive health
  • Helps fight illness by increasing immunity